mercredi 17 décembre 2014


Albert Pike

The Spring has less of brightness
Every year,
And the snow a ghastlier whiteness
Every year.,
Nor do Summer flowers quicken,
Nor Autumn fruitage thicken
As they once did,––for we sicken
Every year. 

It is growing darker, colder,
Every year,––
As the heart and soul grow older
Every year.,
I care not now for dancing
Nor for eyes with passion glancing,
Love is less and less entrancing,
Every year. 

Of the loves and sorrows blended,
Every year,––
Of the charms of friendships ended,
Every year,––
Of the ties that still might bind me
Until time of death resigned me,
My infirmities remind me
Every year. 

Ah, how sad to look before us
Every year,––
While the cloud looks darker o′er us
Every year!
When we see the blossoms faded
That to bloom we might have aided
And immortal garlands braided,
Every year. 

To the past go more dead faces
Every year,––
As the loved leave vacant places
Every year.
Everywhere the sad eyes meet us,
In the evening′s dusk they greet us,
And to come to them entreat us,
Every year. 

You are growing old, they tell us,
Every year
You are more alone, they tell us,
Every year.,
You can win no new affection,
You have only recollection,
Deeper sorrow and dejection,
Every year. 

Yes, the shores of life are shifting
Every year,
And we are seaward drifting
Every year,
old places changing fret us,––
The living more regret us,––
There are fewer to regret us,
Every year. 

But the true life draweth nigher
Every year.,
And its Morning Star climbs higher
Every year,
Earth′s hold on us grows slighter,
And the heavy burden lighter,
And the Dawn Immortal brighter,
Every year. 

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